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Nuclear fuel quality assurance : proceedings of a seminar on nuclear fuel quality assurance / held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Oslo, 24-27 May 1976.

by International Atomic Energy Agency.

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: engfrerus Publication details: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 539NUC.
Recovery operations in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency : proceedings of an International Symposium on Recovery Operations in the Event of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 6-10 November 1989.

by International Symposium on Recovery Operations in the Event of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (1989 : Vienna, Austria) | International Atomic Energy Agency.

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Vienna : Lanham, MD : International Atomic Energy Agency ; UNIPUB [distributor], 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (2) Call number: 539.7REC, ...
Management of gaseous wastes from nuclear facilities : proceedings of an International Symposium on Management of Gaseous Wastes from Nuclear Facilities jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD and held in Vienna, 18-22 February 1980.

by International Symposium on Management of Gaseous Wastes from Nuclear Facilities (1980 : Vienna, Austria) | International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Vienna : [New York : International Atomic Energy Agency ; Sales agent, Unipub], 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 621 IAE.
Feedback of operational safety experience from nuclear power plants : proceedings of an International Symposium on Feedback of Operational Safety Experience from Nuclear Power Plants / jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD and held in Paris, 16-20 May 1988.

by International Symposium on Feedback of Operational Safety Experience from Nuclear Power Plants (1988 : Paris, France) | International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Vienna : Lanham, MD : International Atomic Energy Agency ; Unipub [distributor], 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 621.48 FEE.
Problems associated with the export of nuclear power plants : proceedings of a Symposium on Problems Associated with the Export of Nuclear Power Plants / held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, 6-10 March 1978.

by Symposium on Problems Associated with the Export of Nuclear Power Plants (1978 : Vienna, Austria).

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: engfrespa Publication details: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 621.48 PRO.
Fire protection and fire fighting in nuclear installations : proceedings of an International Symposium on Fire Protection and Fire Fighting in Nuclear Installations / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 27 February-3 March 1989.

by International Symposium on Fire Protection and Fire Fighting in Nuclear Installations (1989 : Vienna, Austria) | International Atomic Energy Agency.

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Vienna : [Lanham, MD : The Agency ; UNIPUB, distributor], 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 628.9 PRO.
Medical radionuclide imaging 1980 : proceedings of an International Symposium on Medical Radionuclide Imaging / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with the World Health Organization and held in Heidelberg, 1-5 September 1980.

by International Symposium on Medical Radionuclide Imaging (1980 : Heidelberg, Germany) | International Atomic Energy Agency | World Health Organization.

Series: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 616.07 IEA.

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